All the content, structure and organization of website, the composition of its subjects and the service, graphics, design, compilation, digital conversion and other matters relating to the website, are protected by copyright, trademark registration and all rights including intellectual property.

The copying, redistribution, use, imitation, corruption or publication by another site, is strictly prohibited and the company N&L ONLINE O.E. reserves the right for any lawful use.

All property rights are vested in any material, content, concept, form, document, or any other material on this site. The publication of information or materials on the Site does not constitute a waiver of rights relating to such items.



In order to provide the best and most complete service, provides a wide range of payment methods selection. You cannot choose two payment methods for the same order. The site provides the opportunity to choose from the following payments:

a) Credit Cards and Debit Cards (VISA, Mastercard, American Express)

b) Paypal

c) Apple Pay



Sensitive personal information (address, name, credit card number, bank account number and other) are encoded by the service provider (such as banking and PayPal partners) with a secure link designed to ensure the secure data exchange.

N&L ONLINE O.E. does not have access to banking data of users and does not store the information regarding the bank or credit cards. Therefore it is usually necessary to enter payment details in any order placed.

N&L ONLINE O.E. will not be responsible for the party's behalf or for unauthorized use of payment method.

N&L ONLINE O.E. want to remember that communications via the network connection may not be secure, therefore is not responsible for any damage that may occur to the user's computer generated by viruses, worms, spyware, or similar programs when connecting to the site. Please make sure you have anti-virus software, firewalls and other updated computer security programs.



Customers who request an invoice for the products purchased have the possibility to do so within a maximum of 3 days from the date of the order. To request the invoice it is necessary to send an email to and clearly indicate the company data:

  • Business name
  • Address including postcode
  • VAT number valid for international billing purposes


Where applied and required, customs costs and taxes are fully charged to the customer. In fact, it may happen that such taxes are required when the products enter the country of destination. In this case, Greek Flavours is not responsible for the payment of taxes which may be worth up to 50% of the total value of the order. For shipments within the European Community, customs taxes are never required as the customs union between member countries is in force.


Delivery of goods is provided by our partner couriers (DHL – Fedex – UPS), with the exception of Greece where internal services are used. The company N&L ONLINE O.E., in order to offer the best possible service, requires some personal information to users, including: name, shipping address and phone number if available.

You can find more information here: Shipping & Delivery

In order to complete the order, it is necessary to reach a minimum order value of €49 calculated on the value of the products added to the cart, excluding shipping costs.


The average time for order preparation is 2-5 days and may vary according to the volume of incoming orders (ie. It can be less during low season; it can be more days during high season and specific Promo Events like Black Friday and Greek Week).

Once the order is prepared and given to the selected courier, the client will receive a notification via email with the tracking number needed to follow up the dispatch on the courier website.

If we are not able to deliver the ordered goods because of problems on product availability or any other reason, N&L ONLINE O.E. will immediately contact the customer in order to communicate the reschedule the delivery or to find the best second solution in accordance with the customer itself.

We recommend to always double check the entered address at checkout, in order to minimize the possibility of error during the delivery. All applicable taxes to resend or return the products due to incorrect contact information are on the customer.



  • Only one discount coupon at time can be used.
  • Discount coupons are only valid for orders placed online at
  • Discount coupons/Promotions cannot be combined with other offers.
  • The promotional products in the "OFFERS" collection can be a little closer to the expiration date than in the normal sales condition. In any case, apart from fresh products such as pitas and sweets, Greek Flavours has decided not to sell products that have reached a month or less from the expiration date indicated by the supplier.


At any time the registered user can access the site with your credentials and change your personal settings.



The consumer, in accordance with EU Directive 2011/83 / EC, is entitled to cancel the purchase within 14 days from the date of actual delivery.

The notice of intention to withdraw must be made by sending an email to, giving all information contained in the DELIVERY NOTE and entering in the mail the ORDER NUMBER.

The withdrawal can only be activated for the ORDER IN ITS ENTIRETY, for shipping the consumer must use the same outer and internal packaging originally received by securing products; we recommend the consumer to insure the shipment. The RETURN EXPENSES shall be borne by the consumer, who will be able to freely choose the carrier to be entrusted with the shipment.

The consumer has 14 days to send the goods starting from the communication of withdrawal, reference will be done the date of custody of the shipment to the carrier. Shipments must be delivered to the following address:

Leoforos Lavriou, 33
15354 - Glyka Nera - Athens

Once the package is received at the warehouse of N&L ONLINE O.E., we will refund the total amount no later than 14 days from the date of arrival of the goods. Repayment will be made using the same means of payment used by the consumer.

They are excluded from the right of withdrawal:

  • Products damaged, altered or unhealthy
  • Fresh or perishable products, whose conservation should be carried out at a controlled temperature (clearly indicated in e-shop)
  • Restitution beyond the deadline



All the contents of this website (relative to products and services) is provided without any conditions or warranties as to its accuracy. expressly excludes all conditions, warranties and other terms which might otherwise be implied by statute, common law or law of equity and shall not be liable for damages of any kind, including but not limited to direct, indirect , special, consequential, punitive or incidental damages, or damages for loss of use, profits, data or other intangibles, damage to goodwill or reputation.



These conditions are governed by and construed in accordance with the laws in force in Greece and the European Union (EU). You agree, as well as N&L ONLINE O.E., to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Athens in Greece, Europe.