Red Gran Reserva Naoussa PDO - 750ml
Red Gran Reserva Naoussa PDO - 750ml
100 in stock
Product Description
Product Description
The Naoussa Grande Reserve is the pride of the Boutari family and has been praised by the international community for several years. It is an intense red wine with notes of red amber, a unique and unmistakable bouquet from the 100% Greek Xinomavro grape.
More than 14 medals of excellence received in various international competitions. For the true wine lovers, the PDO Naoussa Grand Reserve lends itself to a potential aging between 12 and 15 years.
Nutritional Components
Nutritional Components
Xinomavro 100%
Useful Information
Useful Information
History: The Boutari winery is undoubtedly one of the reference objects in the panorama of Greek wine producers. The wine production is divided into several wineries, each with typical local production. The Naoussa wine region, from which this PDO red wine comes, is known for the diversity of the Xinomavro red wine. The Xinomavro is one of the most popular grape varieties in the Naoussa region. The land of this region is in fact ideal for the cultivation of this particular grape variety, which makes great red wines - a good wine. Before the final bottling, it is allowed to stand in French oak barrels for 12 months.
Taste and appearance: The red wine Grand Reserve Naoussa is the flagship of the Boutari winery.
Ageing: 4 years, 2 years in French oak barrels and a further 2 years in the bottle.
Serving temperature: 11-18 ° C.
Quantity: 750ml
Οινοποίηση: Κλασική ερυθρή οινοποίηση με έντονο βαθμό εκχύλισης συστατικών, απαραίτητων για ένα κρασί παλαίωσης.
Παλαίωση: Τέσσερα χρόνια συνολικά, εκ των οποίων τα 2 χρόνια σε γαλλικά δρύινα βαρέλια.
Αρμονία Γεύσεων: Ταιρίάζει με κόκκινα κρέατα και πικάντικα τυριά.
Θερμοκρασία σερβιρίσματος: 11-18 ° C.
Ποσότητα: 750ml